
Iowa State Fair celebrates 4-H Day

INTERVIEW: Emily Saveraid, Iowa 4-H Foundation

The legacy of 4-H was recognized at the Iowa State Fair on Friday.

Emily Saveraid, executive director of the Iowa 4-H Foundation, says 4-H Day offers a chance to see firsthand how the organization empowers young people.

“4-H is 120 years old and what worked in the beginning still works now when we think about how young people relate to their communities, relate to their peers and how they learn those life skills.”

She tells Brownfield 4-H has helped enhance a strong future for agriculture.

“It’s not just the farming piece,” Saveraid said. “There’s the technology and all of the things that that go into making (agriculture) what it is and as strong as it is. And we really feel like 4H is doing a great job of setting young people up to step into those careers.”

The Iowa 4-H Foundation helps provide financial resources that develop youth programs throughout the state.

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