
Making the grade

The USDA is proposing a change to U.S. soybean grading standards to remove the “Soybeans of Other Colors” designation. American Soybean Association Director of Government Affairs Virginia Houston says more discolored seeds are showing up at the elevator.

“Your contract may be for number one soybeans, but when you got to the elevator, you were docked to number two, because there was a certain amount of SBOC grade. A certain seed trait is causing the seed coat to discolor: the Enlist E3 bean.”

The USDA says the soybeans don’t have significant differences in protein or oil content compared to other soybeans.  Houston says ASA supports USDA’s efforts.

“The U.S. is only one of two or three countries that includes color as a grade standard. Our competitors in South America do not. It puts our growers at a disadvantage in the marketplace.”

The Federal Grain and Inspection Service will be publishing a proposed rule and seeking public comment on the change.

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