
Manure management and PEDv

As field conditions become suitable for hauling manure, Dr. Terry Specht with Four Star Veterinary Services at Chickasaw, Ohio says how we manage that manure becomes even more critical as we deal with the PED virus.

“The biggest thing if you are a contaminated site, where you’ve had PED pigs in a certain area you’re hauling manure from, is to determine if that manure is still positive and you can do that just by taking fecal samples and testing for PED,” said Specht. “The other thing is keeping that manure close to the area that is the site of infection so we’re not spreading it all over the countryside.”

Dr. Specht also recommends communicating with other pork producers in the area letting them know where you’re spreading manure.

And while the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv) is getting a lot of attention, Dr. Specht says now is not the time to overlook other swine health issues like PRRS.

“The biggest thing is testing to determine what you do have going on,” said Specht. “Some of the procedures you’re following for PED, clean-up, biosecurity type things that also can protect against PRRS and flu viruses.”

Audio: Dr. Terry Specht, Veterinarian, Four Star Veterinary Services (1:45 mp3)

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