
MFB says funding MSU ag facilities will help the state remain competitive

Michigan Farm Bureau says one of the biggest wins for agriculture in Lansing this year was funding dairy and greenhouse facility upgrades at Michigan State University.

Senior Industry Relations Specialist Ernie Birchmeier tells Brownfield their organization spearheaded the effort in collaboration with statewide ag partners to secure $53 million in one-time state appropriations.

“We need to make sure that we have facilities in place that allow for teaching, research, and extension that are current, world-class, and meet the needs of not just the students but the industry as well,” he says.

Government Relations Department Manager Rob Anderson tells Brownfield state lawmakers had to be thoughtful in prioritizing how to spend additional federal dollars.

“We had a lot of conversations about what are things we can do to set the stage for future success in agriculture,” he shares.  “Investments that have a long tail in terms of their ability to propel future growth.”

The greenhouse complexes on campus were built before 1980 and the Dairy Cattle Teaching and Research Center is over 60 years old, the oldest two ag facilities on campus.

Brownfield interviews Anderson during MFB’s Annual Meeting

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