
Michigan 4-H on display in Lansing

Michigan 4-H is meeting with lawmakers in Lansing as part of National 4-H Week.

Julie Chapin, director of Michigan State University Extension children and youth initiatives, tells Brownfield the first ever 4-H Day at the Capitol is meant to bring greater awareness to the state’s largest youth development organization.

“We currently engage almost 100,000 young people and over 9,000 volunteers in helping deliver that programming,” she shares.  “Those people are supported by over 100 4-H Extension program coordinators who are out in the communities.”

She says 4-H is supported by state appropriations earmarked for MSU Extension and would not be possible without a strong volunteer base.

“We know young people do best when they have positive, supportive relationships with caring adults who are in their life to help them be successful, and so our goal is to try to create as large of a network as possible to provide that support for young people,” she says.

Legislation was introduced last week in the Michigan House that would create a Michigan 4-H license plate to be purchased at the Secretary of State and raise funds for the organization.

The event at Heritage Hall at the Capitol on October 4 will also help familiarize lawmakers with what additional funding could do.

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