
Michigan ag businesses want earned sicked time updates

The head of the Michigan Agri-Business Association says a fix is needed to the state’s Earned Sick Time Act set to take effect next month.

Chuck Lippstreu tells Brownfield every employer including farmers and agricultural businesses will be impacted by the Michigan Supreme Court’s decision last summer.

“Anyone who employs any workers on any basis, temporary seasonal part-time or full time is going to be subject to major new record keeping and payroll and sick time accrual requirements,” he says.

Changes set to take effect on February 21 will require employers to provide up to 72 hours of sick leave to employees.

Lippstreu says he’s hopeful some relief can be made in the coming weeks with Republicans regaining control in the state House.

“That is a major priority for our agribusiness members, for Michigan farmers, and for business owners spanning different segments of our state’s economy,” he says.

Michigan’s lame duck session ended last month with a walkout by House Republicans over the provisions and new wage requirements, and a record 29-hour-long session in the Michigan Senate.  

Brownfield interviewed Lippstreu as part of this week’s Michigan Agri-Business Association Winter Conference in Lansing.

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