Minnesota Corn Growers pushing for new farm bill
The farm bill is driving discussion among many state and national ag organizations.
Minnesota Corn Growers president Jim Kanten tells Brownfield it was a major topic during their association’s annual meeting last week.
“We talked about several different things, farm bill is one of the issues that we’re going to be working on.”
He tells Brownfield he’s optimistic a new farm bill will be passed once Congress completes budget reconciliation.
“After this latest round of government funding gets done, I’m hoping they will tackle the farm bill after that (but) we’ll have to wait and see.”
The west-central Minnesota farmer says reference prices need to be updated.
“Because right now they’ve been set as of 2012, and we’re a long ways from 2012 and prices have changed quite a bit since then for inputs.”
Kanten says crop insurance is an important safety net in the farm bill.
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