Minnesota crop condition and development variable
There’s a lot of variability in crop condition and development across Minnesota.
University of Minnesota Extension crops educator Dave Nicolai tells Brownfield recent rainfall patterns could make it even more pronounced.
“Southern Minnesota and southwestern areas, a little more consistent than the southeast and the eastern side of the state. And as you well know going down into Iowa there’s quite a bit of difference too again, so really this whole season in terms of rainfall has made a real difference.”
USDA’s latest weekly crop update shows corn development about a week behind the five-year average with 51 percent at the dough stage or beyond. Fifty-nine percent of the crop is rated in good to excellent condition, compared to 67 percent nationally.
Soybeans are called 62 percent good to excellent, with 64 percent setting pods.
Nicolai says small grains in northwest Minnesota are doing very well.
“Things are a little bit more consistent obviously in terms of their crop profile, and the small grain and the wheat are coming along very well. In fact they are looking at some record crops, particularly in parts of the Red River Valley and in North Dakota.”
Oat harvest is 43 percent complete statewide, barley is 11 percent harvested, and spring wheat harvest is at nine percent.
And the second cutting of alfalfa reached 88 percent as of Sunday.
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