
Minnesota Farm Bureau and State Cattlemen’s Association weigh in on legislative session

Ag organizations are weighing in on the recently completed Minnesota Legislative Session.

Minnesota Farm Bureau president Dan Glessing says there were several positives for agriculture.

“And mainly AGRI funding, which (are) grants that support agriculture both on the producer side and the processing side. But it really does help further agriculture in the state of Minnesota.”

Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association executive director Kaitlyn Root tells Brownfield $50,000 was included in the Ag Finance Bill to convene a working group to recommend options for addressing crop and fence destruction caused by elk and deer, but the Environmental Finance Committee did not adopt language prohibiting an increase in the size of the elk herd population.

“Our producers are already struggling. (The Minnesota Department of Agriculture) already maxed out elk depredation claim payments last year (and) the Department of Ag had to pull from the wolf depredation fund to ensure that these producers were paid for these claims.”

Glessing says Minnesota Farm Bureau successfully spoke up against several unfavorable policy proposals this session, including additional feedlot permitting regulations and drain tile disclosure during land sales.

Dan Glessing interview:

Kaitlyn Root interview:

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