
Minnesota grows record spring wheat crop

Minnesota farmers grew a record wheat crop this year.

In its small grains summary, the USDA National Ag Statistics Service pegs the statewide yield average for spring wheat at 67 bushels per acre.

That’s seven percent higher than the previous record set in 2015.

University of Minnesota Extension small grains specialist Jochum Wiersma credits improved genetics and beneficial weather at grain fill.

“The signature really was from cooler nights and lower dew points happening between mid-June to mid-July.  That three to four week period really allowed the crop to attain the 67 bushels per acre.”

The Minnesota spring wheat harvest wrapped up in September.  Wiersma tells Brownfield growers enjoyed good conditions then, too.

“We had no weather delays and didn’t suffer quality losses like losses of test weight.  Grain came off in great shape.”

Wiersma says Minnesota yield trends the past two decades have shown a nearly three percent increase in average yield per year.




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