
Missouri to stick with federal dicamba label

Missouri’s director of agriculture says the state will stick with the federal dicamba label for this growing season, “EPA did a lot of research and they collected a lot of data to come up with this new federal label and so we’re going to stand by that,” says Chris Chinn.

Chinn tells Brownfield the EPA’s optional 24-C labels are for states to add more flexibility, not restrictions, “We really looked at that label and knew that if there was anything we needed to do it would have to be to add more flexibility, according to the new interpretation of that 24-C. And so that’s why we’re going to stand by that federal label and see what happens this growing season.

The biggest changes in the five-year federal dicamba label are cut-off dates for over the top application on soybeans by June 30th and cotton by July 30th. And, EPA is requiring a qualified adjuvant in the tank mix. Chinn says the ag department wants to give these changes time to work.

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