
More dry weather allows Wisconsin harvesting to continue ahead of schedule

Harvesting continued in Wisconsin last week as the dry spell continued.  Only scattered sprinkles fell across the state, as topsoil moistures dipped to 42% short and 31% very short.

Cranberry harvesting continues, and carrots are coming in for processing now.

The soybean and potato harvests are about finished for the year.

Wisconsin’s corn for grain is almost all mature with 65% of the crop harvested.  The average moisture content reported last week was 17%.

Winter wheat planting is nearly finished with 96% of the crop now planted.  That’s a full month ahead of average.

Pasture and range conditions are worsening with the dry weather with only 23% of the land now in good to excellent condition, down three points from last week.

Fall tillage is 51% finished.

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