MU dicamba volatility research published
University research on dicamba product volatility is now published in a peer-reviewed journal.
Dr. Kevin Bradley, state Extension Weed Scientist with the University of Missouri, says their findings over several years were published late this summer in the Journal of Environmental Quality after being reviewed by other scientists, “The end product is accepted by all the industry as, hey, this went through the most laborious process that it could go through and now it’s published for all disciplines to see. It’s pretty important to us, for sure.”
And their key finding Bradley explained, “You can make an application of these approved products: XtendiMax, Engenia, and, Fexapan, the ones that are labeled for this crop – and you can monitor the air above it for several days and you can detect dicamba in the air as vapors for, in our case, as many as three days after the application was made.”
Bradley says it’s important to know that it was a blind review- meaning the identity of the university and the scientists who reviewed the research were not known to either party, adding to the credibility of the findings. Brownfield Ag News interviewed Bradley at the 2019 MU Crop Management Conference.
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