
Much still to learn about soybean cyst nematode

There is still much to learn about the number one yield-robbing pest in soybeans.

Iowa State University entomologist Greg Tylka has studied soybean cyst nematodes for decades and says he’s fascinated by the biology.

“There will be decades more to learn about soybean cyst nematode, but in the short-term we need farmers to take advantage of what we know and how that manifests itself in terms of varieties, seed treatments, and non-host crops.”

Despite accounting for an estimated $1.5 billion loss in reduced yields annually, he tells Brownfield SCN doesn’t have to be a death sentence for growers.

“Soybean cyst nematode is the high blood pressure of soybeans in that it’s a chronic health problem, we’re not going to eliminate it. But when you stack all these management things together, you can have a healthy crop.”

Brownfield interviewed Tylka during a tour of the SCN Lab on the campus of Iowa State University in Ames Thursday.

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