
NeFU discusses farm bill timeline, priorities

The president of the Nebraska Farmers Union says farmers and ranchers need the next farm bill to get done in a timely fashion.

John Hansen tells Brownfield a new five-year farm bill would give producers clarity about the status of farm programs to make informed business decisions. “Every day that goes by, the closer we get to the next election. That doesn’t help us as the partisan armor gets thicker and the ears get harder of hearing.”

Late last year, Congress passed a one-year extension of the 2018 Farm Bill after it expired in September.

Hansen says he hopes lawmakers boost funding for conservation programs that can help build soil health. “Which is something we can do to respond to changing climate and weather patterns, which is to the benefit of all farmers and ranchers. If we build healthier soils, it’s a great thing, but you need cost share dollars to do that.”

He says he exepects to start seeing significant progress by March or April.

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