NeFU says all around approach is needed to boost ethanol with RFS, legislation
The president of a state farmers union says it will take a holistic approach to unlock the full potential of the Renewable Fuel Standard and ethanol legislation.
John Hansen says he supports the proposed RFS volumes and legislation making year-round sales of higher blends of ethanol permanent. “Depending on whether or not Senator Fischer’s compromise is accepted or not, will have a lot to do if we are really able to grow into the new E15 numbers and do that transition. We should’ve done this a number of years ago fairly quickly, easily, seamlessly and cost effectively.”
Nebraska’s Deb Fischer and Amy Klobuchar, Democrat from Minnesota, recently introduced legislation that would make sales of E15 or higher year-round permanent.
Hansen tells Brownfield he hopes Congress moves on the legislation soon because it could significantly boost ethanol demand. “If that comes with the numbers, then we have good numbers that we can grow into and utilize. I look at it as part of a package. “
And, he says, it would accomplish several environmental goals that would benefit farmers. “It’s going to improve air quality. It’s going to improve tailpipe drippings. It’s going to reduce dependence on foreign oil. It’s going to help the president and everyone who want to try to lower emission standards for carbon.”
Hansen says there is adequate infrastructure to ramp up E15 demand nationwide
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