New Century Farmer Conference is preparing the next generation for careers in ag
Former FFA members who want to pursue careers in agriculture had the opportunity to learn about different sectors at the recent New Century Farmer Conference.
Jadin Seiler took part in this year’s event.
“Why we want to be in production agriculture, What we want to do, how we’re going to do it,” he says. “You know, everyone’s different, willing to be the next generation, you know, not everyone’s the same. Not everyone does. Just grow crops or just animals.”
He tells Brownfield the diversity of career opportunities was surprising.
“There’s people that do everything potatoes even to, you know, tobacco. I’ve heard of someone that did that,” he says. “There’s plenty of different crops. There’s multiple different ways to get into agriculture.”
The 2025 New Century Farmer Conference will be held Indianapolis, Indiana and past FFA members who want to participate can apply beginning December 15th.
Photo provided by National FFA Organization.
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