New research investment to focus on soybean flower and pod retention
A new multi-regional research partnership aims to achieve the best genetic potential of soybeans by improving flower and pod retention.
Suzanne Shirbroun is a grain farmer from northeast Iowa representing the North Central Soybean Research program and the Iowa Soybean Association. She tells Brownfield the project has great potential.
“We could see an enhanced yield of 10-15% and that would be an additional $50 per acre for US soybean farmers. Across all acres, that would be a $400 million enhancement to the US soybean industry.”
She says there has been some early success looking at plant genetics and determining what can be done to retain the high numbers of flowers seen on a soybean plant early in the season.
“Whether is it drought, high temperatures, or even a herbicide application these flowers get knocked off and by fall you’re only looking at 3 or maybe 4 pods per node.”
Shirbroun is optimistic farmers will see positive results from the study within the next few years.
The project is an investment by the Atlantic Soybean Council, Mid-South Soybean Board, North Central Soybean Research Program, Southern Soybean Research Program and United Soybean Board. Texas Tech University will lead the research in collaboration with Kansas State University, the University of Missouri, and the University of Tennessee.
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