New seed treatment helps eliminate wireworms
Wireworms can wreak havoc on a young wheat crop and cause significant yield loss.
Ruhiyyih Dyrhdahl-Young with BASF says wireworms are one of the most challenging pests for cereal grain growers. “Wireworms are the adult stage of the click beetle and what makes them unique is they have between a five and seven-year life cycle in the soil,” she says.
She tells Brownfield BASF’s new seed treatment Teraxxa is and brand-new mode of action and is the only product on the market that can eliminate wireworms. “Knocking back field populations, allowing us to get good stand establishment and maximize our wheat fields for our cereal grain production,” she says.
Dyrhdahl -Young says Teraxxa is a solo insecticide, but also part of a package available from BASF. “We realized wheat needs a little more help than just managing wireworms,” she says. “So we paired this brand new insecticide with four fungal AIs. So it’s a broad spectrum insecticide paired with a fungicide.”
Teraxxa was recently registered by the EPA and will be available for the 2021 growing season.
AUDIO: Ruhiyyih Dyrhdahl-Young with BASF
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