
Ohio senator: safety net programs matter to farmers

An Ohio Senator says safety net programs are a top priority for farmers in his state.

Sherrod Brown says 100,000 Ohio farmers took advantage of safety net programs last year and more than $400 million was paid to farmers under the ARC-County program.

“Most farm economists will say that prices are going to drop again in the next year and if that happens safety net programs need to be in place so farmers don’t lose their land,” he says. “Farmers buy crop insurance and they are responsible about it. The government is a partner in this and I want farmers to be able to plant for the market, not the programs.”

Brown has been holding Farm Bill roundtable discussions around the state.

He tells Brownfield young farmers have been expressing concerns about the cumbersome barriers, like the cost of land and ag equipment, to begin farming.

“It’s important that we find ways to attract more young farmers who can buy land and start up their farm,” he says.

Brown is a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee.

In 2014, Brown was part of the Senate Farm Bill Conference Committee that negotiated a five-year farm bill. He helped secure the safety net program and was a champion of conservation and rural development.

Audio: Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown

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