Opening day at the Wisconsin State Fair
The Wisconsin State Fair opens its ten-day run on Thursday. Brian Bolan is Ag Director at the fair and he says once again they are expecting good numbers to fill the barns. More than 900 head are entered in the junior dairy show in what is considered the largest junior dairy show in the world. The junior dairy, poultry, rabbits and goats along with open swine and sheep lead-off the show. On Monday they move in junior beef, sheep and swine. On Thursday open dairy, beef and rabbits take-over the barns for the final weekend.
Because of the PED virus, there are some tighter health regulations for the swine show this year. Bolan says they are asking for statements from veterinarians regarding producers’ herd health at home. Vets will also check all trailers before they unload at the fair. The breed shows will be the first to occupy the barns then junior show which will be a terminal show. He does expect open show numbers to be down a little this year.
The Wisconsin State Fair runs Thursday, July 31st through Sunday, August 10th at State Fair Park in West Allis.
AUDIO:Bolan talks about the show 4:12 mp3
The Wisconsin State Fair is a very busy time for Alice in Dairyland. Zoey Brooks will be at the fair every day doing everything from explaining what goes on in the milking parlor to talking to attendees about the numerous items on display in the Wisconsin Products Pavilion. She will be an active participant in the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Livestock Auction and Blue Ribbon Meat Products Auction. She will also compete in the cream puff eating contest. Above all, she will be happy to talk with fairgoers throughout the grounds.
AUDIO:Brooks talks about her duties 1:00 mp3
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