
Perdue says farmer support for Trump policies isn’t waning

In recent weeks farmers have expressed increasing frustration with some of President Trump’s policies on trade and renewable fuels. 

But, Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue doesn’t think farmer support is waning.  “What I really find is the media trying to discover that one person or two people who don’t like it,” he says.  “And focus their media discussions on and reports on those.”

He admits farmers are anxious for a resolution to the trade war with China.  But, Perdue says, “for the most part I think that they realize China – not just in the last bit – but for a long time has built their economy on the back of American innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship.”  He says, “and has stolen technology and has used that to build their economy, their military, and their goal of world dominance.”

Perdue made his comments during the 2019 Farm Progress Show in Decatur, Illinois on Wednesday.

AUDIO: Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue

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