Planting slow to start in Mid-South
A brand manager with Helena Agri-Enterprises says planting has been slow to start in the Mid-South.
Austin Anderson is stationed in Memphis, Tennessee and tells Brownfield he has traveled the region over the past week.
“We are seeing some people rolling, like on the tops of the hills and stuff like that. But, we’ve still got a lot of water around and rain every two to three days so everyone is trying to find a dry spot to get the planter in the fields.”
He says while growers are waiting, they should get a plan in place for early season weed control.
“Give the crop a good chance to start off clean with all the good nutrients that are in the soil. That gives us a chance to be able to get a head start on weeds.”
He recommends an adjuvant with a soil-applied residual herbicide.
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