Possible rail strike concerns National Grain and Feed
The potential of a rail strike still has the attention of the National Grain and Feed Association. CEO Mike Seyfert says the pending rail strike feels like déjà vu.
“We had hoped we would avoid a rail strike in September with the agreement reached between the unions and railroads with the Biden administration. Unfortunately, we’ve now had unions reject that agreement and we’re concerned we could be looking at a strike again.”
Seyfert says several labor unions have a deadline to ratify the proposal by the second week of December. He says NGFA is reaching out to Congress again to ask for help.
“Congress could pass a law requiring the unions to follow the agreement reached with the presidential emergency board or in the past, back in 1991-92, Congress passed legislation where they basically sent both parties back to arbitration.”
Seyfert says a rail strike would bring additional delays throughout the ag supply chain.
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