Propane supplies remain good
Propane suppliers are not expecting any supply problems or unstable prices this winter.
Michael Newland with the Propane Education and Research Center tells Brownfield they anticipate demand long before grain drying season. “We built our own internal model so we look at the corn crop as it’s growing, as its developing and we predict what that’s going to look like for the drying space come harvest.”
And, Newland says that gives the industry a chance to prepare by moving enough propane to demand areas before it’s needed. “Supply today is very good. We track it versus a five-year average. We are in a very normal spot. We’re actually a little heavier on supply than we were at this time last year.”
Newland says if a major cold weather system moves into a large area, it can affect some deliveries, but they can catch up quickly, especially if hours of service restrictions on drivers are temporarily waived.
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