Public input wanted on Kansas wildfire prevention, response
The head of Kansas’s wildfire task force is asking farmers and ranchers how the state can prevent, respond and recover from wildfires.
Ag Director Mike Beam tells Brownfield the state is seeking public input as it continues its comprehensive review. “I think we’re starting to identify what the state might be able to do to help in some situations or at least get our arms around what are our challenges are especially on the mitigation front.”
The Kansas State Fire Marshall says that since 2016 three fires have burned almost one million acres and Beam says its critical to hear from producers directly affected. “People have perspectives. I think they have a fresh look at this, and they may end up asking questions as much as they are providing input or suggestions.”
In the last five years, the state has received reports of more than 6,000 reports of wildfires each year.
Since the taskforce began meeting earlier this year, Beam says reducing the fuel load has become a high priority. “We are a long ways from really getting a good grasp on the fuel load. We’re going to have some documentation in this report that shows the increase in woody infestation, not only in our grasslands, but in our suburban parts of the state.”
Public input can be submitted through November on the Kansas Department of Agriculture’s website.
Kansas Ag Director Mike Beam:
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