Purdue Spring Fest this weekend
There’s nothing quite like cricket spitting and cockroachraces to bring families together. Oh you think I’m kidding, well I’m not, this Saturday and Sunday, April 18 and 19 families will make their way to the West Lafayette campus of Purdue University to participate in the annual Purdue SpringFest , proof once again that learning can be fun.
"Spring Fest is a fun way to engage with faculty, staff and students through educational activities," said Danica Kirkpatrick, Spring Fest coordinator.
So just what canyou learn at Spring Fest, well lets see, Discovery Park will offer games and activities that demonstrate brain functions, how beetles drink water in the desert, producing electricity with a bike, and much more.
The Purdue College of Agriculture invites festival goers tocheer on their favorite fish at the goldfish races, jump into a game of animal Twister, pet a rabbit, watch a rocket launch and make an Earth Day bracelet.
And yes, as mentioned, the 19th annual Entomology Bug Bowl, a popular Spring Fest event, will feature a variety ofinsect-related activities and food. Cricket spitting and cockroach races again are headline events.
One piece of advice should you decide to participate in cricket spitting, do not, I repeat, do not draw in a big breath before spitting to get more distance.
Ah spring in Indiana, it doesn’t get any better.
Oh yes, the annual family festival takes place 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 18 and 19 on Purdue's West Lafayette campus. The event is free.
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