
Purdue’s Center for Commercial Agriculture creates new partnership with Acres

Purdue University’s Center for Commerical Agriculture has partnered with to improve farmland market insights.

Chad Fiechter an assistant ag economics professor says the center was looking for a more frequent land value survey to provide more comprehensive data.

“This is where that relationship with Acres comes in,” he says. “They have transaction data from farmland purchases, and we wanted to see if we could work with them to kind of provide a similar sort of output, but not necessarily the same as our pre-existing survey.”

He tells Brownfield the collaboration will allow the organizations to combine their information.

“Most of the output that we generate together would be more of an aggregate level,” he says. “We’re currently providing information on a regional level, but what we’re hoping to do is provide more aggregated information for a specific set of stakeholders. That being Indiana farmers.”

Fiechter says the Center for Commercial Agriculture is expected to release a new Indiana farmland value report with Acres in late spring to early summer 2025.

AUDIO: Chad Fiechter, Purdue’s Center for Commercial Agriculture

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