
Renewable Fuels Association still frustrated with Trump EPA’s handling of biofuels policy

The Renewable Fuels Association remains frustrated with how the previous administration handled biofuels policy.

RFA chief economist Scott Richman tells Brownfield before leaving office, former EPA administrator Andrew Wheeler made another attempt to undermine the Renewable Fuel Standard.

“What he’s doing is proposing to push off for the second time the demonstration of compliance with the RFS for small refineries for the 2019 compliance year. So, 2019 ended over a year ago.”

Wheeler also proposed an extension for 2020, and approved three additional Small Refinery Exemption requests on his way out the door.

Richman says RFA recently aired its grievances during a virtual public hearing with EPA.

“We’ll have an opportunity to submit our full comments within a few weeks, and there are several rulemakings that are related to the RFS. So we’ll go through proper channels to do that in the coming weeks.”

One of those is Renewable Volume Obligations for 2021.  Richman says they were supposed to be issued last November, and he hopes EPA proposes and finalizes the RVO’s as expeditiously as possible.

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