
Report takes a closer look at opportunities for the beef-on-dairy industry

The beef-on-dairy sector continues to provide an additional revenue stream for dairy producers and is helping bridge the beef supply gap. Lawrence Williams, a dairy beef cross development specialist at Purina Animal Nutrition says there are a lot of market opportunities. “These dairy beef cross calves are worth anywhere from $700 to $1000 as a day old,” he says. “That’s just a great income stream.”

He tells Brownfield the demand isn’t going away anytime soon. “Before this native herd comes back at whatever level it might come back at, they’re going to be worth quite a bit of money,” he says. 

Purina Animal Health recently released its comprehensive Beef-on-Dairy Industry Report, and Williams says it provides producers with valuable insight. “There’s a lot of work and a lot of focus that’s gone into this group of cattle,” he says.  “Into making them better genetically all the way through the supply chain. It’s an opportunity for them to really add some value.”

He says the animals are excellent on the rail in terms of quality and yield grade, but the report does look at the biggest challenge for the sector, which is liver abscesses.    Dr. Dale Woerner from Texas Tech University says there’s no immediate solution.  But, proper animal health and nutrition management play vital roles in supporting and maintaining gut health to reduce the likelihood and severity of liver abscesses in all cattle.

Dr. Kirsten Nickles of Certified Angus Beef, Dr. Sara Place of AgNext at Colorado State University, Dr. Robert Weaber of Kansas State University, Dr. Dale Woerner of Texas Tech University, and Purina Animal Nutrition experts Dr. Troy Wistuba, Dr. Olivia Genther-Schroeder and Ted Perry, M.S. contributed to the report. 

AUDIO: Interview with Lawrence Williams

Photo courtesy of Purina Animal Health

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