
RFS waivers criticism continues

Farmers, farm groups and farm-state politicians continue to express their dismay over the EPA’s RFS waivers, and what many see as President Trump’s “broken promises” to farmers.

“People believe that the president is sending mixed messages—because he has said we won’t do waivers and he supports the RFS and supports year-round E15—but then the waivers go out,” says Nebraska Farm Bureau president Steve Nelson.

“It’s a bad deal—the waivers that we’re seeing for the small refineries—that’s a bad deal,” says Nebraska U.S. Senator Deb Fischer. “We’ve got to be able to see how these decisions are being made at the EPA. I think that’s the first step.

Fischer is the co-sponsor of legislation that would require small refineries to petition for RFS hardship exemptions by June 1st of each year. The change would also require EPA to properly account for exempted gallons in the annual Renewable Volume Obligations it sets each November.

We spoke with Nelson and Fischer at the Nebraska State Fair.

AUDIO: Steve Nelson
AUDIO: Senator Deb Fischer

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