
Rice harvest underway in Louisiana, other states will begin soon

Rice harvest is just getting underway in Louisiana and Bobby Hanks CEO of Supreme Rice says it’s running ahead of the average pace.  “We’ve had some extremely dry weather here in Louisiana, which is allowed for continuous harvesting,” he says.  “Normally we would see several days of interruptions with rains and showers that slow or stop the harvest.”

He tells Brownfield harvest is off to a good start. “Harvest is good and yields look to be pretty good to start,” he says.  “But usually the early stuff is, and it’s still a little early to tell how the whole crop’s going to end up.”

Hanks says Louisiana typically starts rice harvest in the US and states like Arkansas will start harvest within the next few weeks.  According to the latest crop reports from the USDA about 89% of the rice crop in Louisiana was headed, Texas was at 88%, Mississippi at 73%, Arkansas at 60%, and Missouri at 54%.  Nationally the crop was rated 71% good to excellent. 

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