Rice seed shortage could cause more soybean acres in MO Bootheel
A rice specialist in the Missouri Bootheel says there’s a shortage of rice seed as spring planting begins.
“We’re predicted to have an increase in rice acres and that will happen, but it probably could be a little more if we had more rice seed availability.”
Justin Chlapecka with the University of Missouri Extension the rice seed is selling out partly due to increased acres.
“I’ve heard rumors RiceTec had a down production year so there’s not as much hybrid seed available, especially certain hybrids desired by farmers. But it boils down to there’s not a huge excess of rice seed produced, because you don’t want it sitting around and have to sell it at market.”
He says an increase in acres wasn’t expected again this year and the farmers who can’t get rice seed they want will likely switch to soybeans.
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