
SCN awareness critical this fall

A crop specialist says soybean cyst nematode could be problematic despite wet conditions during the growing season.

Troy Bauer, senior technical field representative with BASF, says, “Iowa State just published a paper that said SCN can thrive in wet conditions as well. It probably won’t cause quite as much yield loss, but they are still going to be present and they are still going to be reproducing.”

He tells Brownfield SCN moves from field to field in several ways. “Whether that is humans or wildlife moving it from field to field. One way it’s moved this year is due to the flooding and water movement. If you are checking for SCN in your field, go to waterways and entries points in the your field.”

Bauer says SCN often goes hand in hand with Sudden Death Syndrome which can be detrimental to a soybean crop. He spoke to Brownfield at BASF’s recent field event near Story City, Iowa.

AUDIO: BASF’s Troy Bauer on Soybean Cyst Nematode pressure

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