
Setting the stage for cattle markets in 2025

Without the July Cattle Inventory report, much of the cattle industry continues to look for any substantial signs of retention and herd expansion.

Livestock economist Scott Brown says this month won’t be any different. “Livestock slaughter, one of the big ones here, of course, is going to be beef cow slaughter,” he says.  “Just exactly any indication that we’re doing much to be holding beef cows longer to try to increase the herd.”

He tells Brownfield there’s been talk cattle supplies heading into feedlots have been tighter. “Does that show up in terms of placements,” he asks.  “If it does, does that give us an early warning of just how tight things could get in 2025? I’m not sure we’re going to talk about a big cut in placements as we look ahead to that report. But that’s the early indicator for me of what 2025 will really look like when we get there.”

The USDA’s Livestock Slaughter report comes out at 3pm ET/2pm CT on Thursday and Cattle on Feed is out Friday at 3pm ET/2pm CT.

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