Slow start to planting in parts of Ohio
Planting is off to a slow start in west central Ohio.
Patty Mann, a farmer from Shelby County, says they were able to plant a small field of soybeans two weeks ago and are finally getting back in the field.
“Last week was really nice and warm and we were waiting for things to dry out, but it was still kind of early and they were predicting a lot of rain. That didn’t materialize and had that not been the forecast we may have planted a little more,” she says. “Regardless, we have a lot to do, and we feel like we should get started. Today is shaping up to be fairly nice and I think tomorrow is going to be a nice day so we’re prepping some ground. I think we’re going to put some corn and beans in maybe later today or tomorrow as the conditions get dry enough to do so.”
Mann says the soybeans haven’t emerged yet, so she’s not concerned about recent conditions.
“It’s been in the low 30s the last few mornings,” she says. “I don’t really think we had a hard frost. (The beans) are still under the ground, but I think with a couple of warm days they would probably pop through.”
She says the 10-day forecast looks cool and wet.
“We will stop planting corn a couple of days before that wet weather hits,” she says. “It’s kind of slow going but we’re anxious to get something in the ground.”
With heavy clay soils, Mann says planting typically gets well underway in the first week of May.
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