
Southern Rust confirmed in eight states

Photo credit: Integrated Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education

Southern Rust has been confirmed on corn in eight states, but an Illinois plant pathologist says it is not uncommon this time of year.

“It’s actually a good thing that we are seeing it this late in the season because it tends to be more of a problem the earlier it comes into the state.”

Nathan Kleczewski with the University of Illinois tells Brownfield growers should get corn tested before assuming southern rust since it is similar to common rust.

He says the disease it not yet severe enough to spray.

“What we have seen is very sparse infections and it’s very difficult to find infection in the fields where we have located it.”

The disease has been confirmed in: Franklin and Bond counties in Illinois; Vernon county in Missouri; Filmore, Saunders and Thayer counties in Nebraska; as well as counties in eastern Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi and Georgia.

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