Stutzman calls this Farm Bill a step backwards
One Indiana Congressman is unhappy with today’s signing of the Farm Bill. Representative Marlin Stutzman, a fourth-generation farmer calls the Farm Bill a “backroom deal that is an insult to taxpayers, farmers, and Americans everywhere”.
Following the President’s signature on the Agriculture Act of 2014, the Congressman released a statement saying “Logrolled farm programs and food stamps are business as usual so Washington can spend money it doesn’t have”.
Last year Stutzman fought to separate farm policy from food stamps. “They are different and should be considered separately,” he says. “That’s why House Republicans worked last year to split the Farm Bill. For the first time in nearly forty years, taxpayers had an honest look at how Congress spends their money.”
Stutzman calls this Farm Bill a step backwards and says, “As a farmer and a conservative, I know Americans deserve better.”
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