Take action on soybean cyst nematode
Farmers wrapping up harvest are encouraged to scout for soybean cyst nematode.
Nick Tinsley with BASF says fall is the best time to sample fields.
“To try and get a handle on what populations are like.”
He tells Brownfield the amount of pressure should determine next steps.
“Crop rotation (is) certainly an excellent option, especially for populations that are very high. But there is a limit to how effective that can be because some of these nematodes do survive through a year of corn.”
Tinsley says SCN-resistant varieties are another management tactic.
“We’ve been using predominantly the same form of resistance for a very long time, since the early 1990’s. So growers might experience a decreased level of performance than they’ve been used to in the past.”
He says seed treatments can also mitigate the impact of soybean cyst nematode.
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