Taking a proactive approach to disease management
A Kentucky-based agronomist says planning for effective disease management should be a priority for growers heading into 2025.
Josh Johnston with AgriGold says farmers need to take a proactive approach to prevention.
“Last year, we battled a tremendous amount of disease,” he says. “Sudden death syndrome and Tar Spot moved very aggressively. Making sure that when you’re building your budgets, you make plans to address those.”
He tells Brownfield producers should review past yield data before committing to a crop protection plan.
“Let’s ask the hard questions,” he says. “Why are we doing the things that we’re doing? Are we measuring those to be fruitful? Are measuring those to be profitable? If yes, let’s keep going. If no, let’s consider if we really need to continue to do that.”
Johnston says keeping the crop healthy helps farmers get the most out of their investment.
AUDIO: Josh Johnston, AgriGold
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