
Test for nematodes at harvest

A nematologist says getting rid of soybean cyst nematode is virtually impossible.

Marisol Quintanilla with Michigan State University says nematodes can grow to astronomical numbers if not controlled.

“If at the beginning of the season when you plant you start with 100 eggs, you will end up at the end of the season with roughly 20,000 eggs.”  

She recommends taking samples after mid-July, close to harvest to determine if the pest is in fields.

“The best time to soil sample is at harvest time, you will have the highest numbers.”       

Quintanilla says the best modes of control currently include crop rotation, cover crops, and using resistant varieties.

The Michigan Soybean Checkoff offers free testing for growers.

Soybean cyst nematode is the largest yield-robbing insect in North America. 

Marisol Quintanilla’s comments during MSU’s virtual breakfast

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