Test resistance with nematode analysis
Soybean cyst nematode is a major limiting factor to soybean production. Fred Warner, Nematologist with Michigan State University Diagnostic Services, says farmers should pull a soil sample each fall to test for nematodes.
Warner says for farmers who want to test new soybean nematode resistant varieties, pulling a soil sample at planting and harvest will give them a better understanding of how successful the crop was. He says the number of nematodes at harvest should be lower than the number at planting.
“That indicates that you have a really good variety that is resisting the soybean cyst nematode.” He tells Brownfield, “If the number at harvest is higher than the number at planting, then that indicates that the nematode developed and increased in numbers on your resistant variety, and that’s a little bit more concerning.”
He says getting an analysis is the best way to know if a new variety or source of resistance is actually working.
AUDIO: Interview with Fred Warner (2:23 mp3):
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