The time to start soil testing
A technical service rep with BASF says harvest is the best time to start soil testing for soybean cyst nematode.
Don Schneider says additional can lead to higher yield potential.
“It’s a situation where they didn’t know they even had a problem until they tested and they started doing the treatments and on fields that are not treated,” he says. “It really has opened their eyes and said maybe this is what’s holding us back on soybean yields.”
He tells Brownfield SCN is becoming a bigger problem.
“As the natural strains of resistant varieties of soybeans has not been doing the complete job,” he says. “We used to get 90% help of those varieties that are resistance that’s dropped over under 40%.”
Schneider says sudden death syndrome will start popping up in soybean fields, so now is the time to look at management plans for next year.
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