Trump asks DOJ to investigate cattle and beef markets
President Trump, speaking with reporters Wednesday, said he has asked the Justice Department to investigate concerns about cattle and beef prices and allegations of collusion among beef packers.
“It shouldn’t be happening that way and we want to protect our farmers,” Trump said. “They’re looking into that very strongly—supply and demand should not allow that to happen.”
The USDA has been conducting its own investigation into possible cattle market manipulation, an investigation that began last fall following the beef plant fire in Kansas. But in an exclusive interview with Brownfield this morning, Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue declined to provide a deadline for completing that investigation.
“We don’t reveal the interim type of investigations and I’m not prepared to give you a date when we can do that,” Perdue said. “We’re cooperating with other federal agencies that will enable us to get to a story and the facts.”
Earlier this week, attorneys general from 11 states asked Trump to order a DOJ investigation. Several cattle groups and farm organizations have also called for DOJ to get involved.
Click here to hear Tom Steever’s full interview with Sonny Perdue
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