
Turkey Growers building case for next round of CFAP

Turkey growers are building a case to be included in the next coronavirus food assistance program package.

Minnesota Turkey Growers Association executive director Sarah Anderson tells Brownfield turkey was left out of the first round of payments partly because of how the industry calculates losses.

“The challenges we have in receiving aid from the USDA on the CFAP side is that they want public-facing market data. And we’re unique in that we don’t have that kind of data like you would see in cattle and hogs.”

She says the Turkey Growers are working with Minnesota Congressman Collin Peterson, who chairs the House Agriculture Committee, to figure out fair compensation.

“We’ve made calculations from our growers showing the input and what it’s going to cost a grower when there is depopulation. Or even just a slowdown in the placements too, because we’ve experienced that quite a bit.”

The Turkey Growers have also hired an economist to develop the data asked for by USDA.

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