
Urban 4-H membership increases

A 4-H leader says the organization has seen a rise in members from urban areas.

Emily Saveraid, executive director of the Iowa 4-H Foundation, says program expansion has helped attract a newer audience. “Our roots are in agriculture, and certainly our county fairs and livestock programs are very strong,” she said. “But we’re seeing more and more young people in urban and suburban areas and we want to meet young people where they are.”

Speaking to Brownfield at the 2024 Iowa State Fair, she said the organization welcomes kids from all backgrounds. “4-H is over 120 years old. What made 4-H great in 1902 continues to make it great here in 2024. We still focus on those essential skills young people need.”

Saveraid says the Iowa 4-H Foundation can help provide financial resources to develop newer youth programs.

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