USB touts long-term conservation practices
A leader with the United Soybean Board says conservation practices could help provide economic benefits for farmers.
Jack Cornell, USB’s director of sustainable supply, says, “I see input prices going up and commodity prices are staying about the same. How does a farmer maintain profitability long-term? Marketing their grain in a way that increases their profitability. The sustainability space could be a huge opportunity for farmers through practices they are already adopting on their farm.”
Speaking to Brownfield at the 2024 Farm Progress Show, he said cover crops could be a long-term investment. “Sometimes we don’t see necessarily a yield bump from cover crops, but you get all of these agronomic benefits to your farm operation that help you get in the field sooner, which allow you to plant in that more high profitability zone of planting times.”
Cornell says cover crops can make corn and soybeans more resilient to environmental stress.
Farm Progress Show Interview: USB’s Jack Cornell
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