USDA catching up on past-due reports
Now that the federal government is reopened the USDA is catching up on the more than 60 reports that were missed during the shutdown.
“I want to go ahead and thank the farmers in advance for their cooperation and understanding,” said Joe Parsons, Chairman of the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board.
Data collection for some reports was stopped during the lapse, so farmers might be re-contacted or surveyed later than normal, according to Parsons.
The monthly USDA Agricultural Prices Report will be released Thursday and the February Crop Production Report is out February 8th, as scheduled. That report will include the final crop numbers that would have been in the January report.
“We’re trying to get things back on track as best we can,” said Parsons.
Also on the 8th will be reports on winter wheat seedings, grain stocks and cotton ginning. Notices on other reports will be issued in the next few days.
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