USDA reports higher hay production in 2024
U.S. hay production was up in 2024.
The USDA says total production of 122.462 million tons was 3% larger than 2023, with a decline in harvested area to 49.39 million acres more than canceled out by a rise in average yield to 2.48 tons per acre.
That included 49.84 million tons of alfalfa and mixtures, up slightly on the year thanks to a modest rise for average yield to 3.41 tons per acre, and 72.622 million tons of other types of hay, a gain of 6% due to a record average yield of 2.09 tons per acre.
New seedings of alfalfa and mixtures in 2024 were 6% higher than in 2023.
Comparisons for Brownfield states:
Arkansas: All: 2.143 million tons, compared to 2.21 million in 2023; Yield: 2.1 tons per acre, compared to 1.9 the prior year; Harvested Area: 1.23 million acres, compared to 1.162 million the year before
Other: 2.583 million tons, compared to 2.204 million in 2023; Average Yield: 2.1 tons per acre, compared to 1.9 the prior year; Harvested Area: 1.23 million acres, compared to 1.16 million the year before
Illinois: All: 1.475 million tons, compared to 1.167 million in 2023; Yield: 3.31 tons per acre, compared to 2.85 the prior year; Harvested Area: 445,000 acres, compared to 410,000 the year before
Alfalfa and Other Mixtures: 975,000 tons, compared to 684,000 in 2023; Yield: 3.75 tons per acre, compared to 3.8 in prior year; Harvested Area: 260,000 acres, compared to 180,000 the year before
Other: 500,000 tons, compared to 483,000 in 2023; Average Yield: 2.7 tons per acre, compared to 2.1 the prior year; Harvested Area: RECORD LOW 185,000 acres, compared to 230,000 the year before
Indiana: All: 1.56 million tons, compared to 1.273 million in 2023; Yield: 3.25 tons per acre, compared to 2.4 million the prior year; Harvested Area: RECORD LOW 480,000 acres, compared to 530,000 the year before
Alfalfa and Other Mixtures: 888,000 tons, compared to 675,000 in 2023; Yield: 3.7 tons per acre, compared to 2.5 the prior year; Harvested Area: 260,000 tons, compared to 180,000 the year before
Other: 672,000 tons, compared to 598,000 in 2023; Average Yield: 2.8 tons per acre, compared to 2.3 the prior year; Harvested Area: RECORD LOW 240,000 acres, compared to 260,000 the year before
Iowa: All: 3.492 million tons, compared to 2.946 million in 2023; Yield: 3.25 tons per acre, compared to 2.92 the prior year; Harvested Area: 1 million acres, compared to 1.01 million the year before
Alfalfa and Other Mixtures: 2.736 million tons, compared to 2.4 million in 2023; Yield: 3.7 tons per acre, compared to 2.5 the prior year; Harvested Area: 240,000 acres, compared to 270,000 the year before
Other: 756,000 tons, compared to 546,000 in 2023; Average Yield: RECORD HIGH 2.7 tons per acre, compared to 2.1 the prior year; Harvested Area: 280,000 acres, compared to 260,000 the year before
Kansas: All: 3.862 million tons, compared to 5.023 million in 2023; Yield: 1.81 tons per acre, compared to 1.8 the prior year; Harvested Area: 2.13 million acres, compared to 2.795 million the year before
Alfalfa and Other Mixtures: 1.537 million tons, compared to 2.242 million in 2023; Yield: 2.65 tons per acre, compared to 3.05 the prior year; Harvested Area: 580,000 acres, compared to 735,000 the year before
Other: 2.325 million tons, compared to 2.781 million in 2023; Average Yield: 1.5 tons per acre, compared to 1.35 the prior year; Harvested Area: 1.55 million acres, compared to 2.06 million the year before
Kentucky: All: 5 million tons, compared to 4.428 million in 2023; Yield: 2.38 tons per acre, compared to 2.14 the prior year; Harvested Area: 2.1 million acres, compared to 2.07 million the year before
Alfalfa and Other Mixtures: 300,000 tons, compared to 270,000 in 2023; Yield: 3 tons per acre, unchanged from the prior year; Harvested Area: 100,000 acres, compared to 90,000 the year before
Other: 4.7 million tons, compared to 4.158 million in 2023; Average Yield: 2.35 tons per acre, compared to 2.1 the prior year; Harvested Area: 2 million acres, compared to 1.98 million the year before
Michigan: All: RECORD LOW 1.703 million tons, compared to 1.766 million in 2023; Yield: 2.24 tons per acre, compared to 2.26 the prior year; Harvested Area: RECORD LOW 760,000 acres, compared to 780,000 the year before
Alfalfa and Other Mixtures: 1.43 million tons, compared to 1.375 million in 2023; Yield: 2.6 tons per acre, compared to 2.5 the prior year; Harvested Area: 550,000 acres, steady with the year before
Other: RECORD LOW 273,000 tons, compared to 391,000 in 2023; Average Yield: 1.3 tons per acre, compared to 1.7 the prior year; Harvested Area: 210,000 acres, compared to 230,000 the year before
Minnesota: All: 3.72 million tons, compared to 2.257 million in 2023; Yield: 3.1 tons per acre, compared to 2.11 the prior year; Harvested Area: 1.2 million acres, compared to 1.07 million the year before
Alfalfa and Other Mixtures: 2.55 million tons, compared to 1.683 million in 2023; Yield: 3.75 tons per acre, compared to 2.55 the prior year; Harvested Area: 680,000 acres, compared to 660,000 the year before
Other: 1.17 million tons, compared to 574,000 in 2023; Average Yield: 2.25 tons per acre, compared to 1.4 the year prior; Harvested Area: 520,000 acres, compared to 410,000 the year before
Missouri: All: 6.212 million tons, compared to 4.831 million in 2023; Yield: 2.18 tons per acre, compared to 1.25 the prior year; Harvested Area: 2.855 million acres, compared to 3.855 million the year before
Alfalfa and Other Mixtures: 752,000 tons, compared to 451,000 in 2023; Yield: 2.95 tons per acre, compared to 2.2 the prior year; Harvested Area: 255,000 acres, compared to 205,000 the year before
Other: 5.46 million tons, compared to 4.38 million in 2023; Average Yield: 2.1 tons per acre, compared to 1.2 the prior year; Harvested Area: 2.6 million tons, compared to 3.65 million the year before
Nebraska: All: 6.135 million tons, compared to 5.33 million in 2023; Yield: 2.59 tons per acre, compared to 2.33 the prior year; Harvested Area: 2.37 million acres, compared to 2.258 million the year before
Alfalfa and Other Mixtures: 3.483 million tons, compared to 2.89 million in 2023; Yield: RECORD HIGH 4.3 tons per acre, compared to 3.4 the prior year; Harvested Area: 810,000 acres, compared to 850,000 the year before
Other: 2.652 million tons, compared to 2.44 million in 2023; Average Yield: 1.7 tons per acre, unchanged from the prior year; Harvested Area: 1.56 million tons, compared to 1.435 million the year before
Ohio: All: 1.911 million tons, compared to 2.457 million in 2023; Yield: 2.42 tons per acre, compared to 3.03 the prior year; Harvested Area: 790,000 acres, compared to 810,000 the year before
Alfalfa and Other Mixtures: 986,000 tons, compared to 1.131 million in 2023; Yield: 3.4 tons per acre, compared to 3.9 the prior year; Harvested Area: 290,000 acres, steady with the year before
Other: RECORD LOW 925,000 tons, compared to 1.326 million in 2023; Average Yield: 1.85 tons per acre, compared to 2.55 the prior year; Harvested Area: RECORD LOW 500,000 acres, compared to 520,000 the year before
South Dakota: All: 5.84 million tons, compared to 6.123 million in 2023; Yield: 2.03 tons per acre, compared to 2.07 the prior year; Harvested Area: 2.88 million acres, compared to 2.955 million the year before
Alfalfa and Other Mixtures: 3.48 million tons, compared to 3.972 million in 2023; Yield: 2.4 tons per acre, compared to 2.35 the prior year; Harvested Area: 1.45 million acres, compared to 1.69 million the year before
Other: 2.36 million tons, compared to 2.151 million in 2023; Average Yield: 1.65 tons per acre, compared to 1.7 the prior year; Harvested Area: 1.43 million tons, compared to 1.265 million the year before
Tennessee: All: 3.637 million tons, compared to 3.79 million in 2023; Yield: 2.21 tons per acre, unchanged from the prior year; Harvested Area: 1.645 million acres, compared to 1.716 million the year before
Alfalfa and Other Mixtures: 51,000 tons, compared to 50,000 in 2023; Yield: 3.4 tons per acre, compared to 3.1 the prior year; Harvested Area: 15,000 acres, compared to 16,000 the year before
Other: 3.586 million tons, compared to 3.74 million in 2023; Average Yield: 2.2 tons per acre, unchanged from the prior year; Harvested Area: 1.63 million acres, compared to 1.7 million the year before
Wisconsin: All: 3.904 million tons, compared to 2.235 million in 2023; Yield: 3.03 tons per acre, compared to 2.17 the prior year; Harvested Area: 890,000 acres, compared to 1.09 million the year before
Alfalfa and Other Mixtures: 3.03 million tons, compared to 1.728 million in 2023; Yield: RECORD HIGH 3.65 tons per acre, compared to 2.7 the prior year; Harvested Area: 830,000 acres, compared to 640,000 the year before
Other: 874,000 tons, compared to 507,000 in 2023; Average Yield: 1.9 tons per acre, compared to 1.3 the prior year; Harvested Area: 460,000 acres, compared to 390,000 the year before
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