
USMEF expects record 2021 red meat exports

The U.S. Meat Export Federation is expecting record red meat exports this year. U.S. MEF’s Joe Schuele tells Brownfield…

“Pork exports could also set a record in 2021 but probably just slightly ahead of 2020, whereas, on the beef side, we’re looking at a double digit increase over last year,” he said.

U.S. pork exports set a record last year reaching nearly 3 million metric tons while beef exports fell from its 2018 high to more than 1 million 250 thousand metric tons.

Schuele said red meat exports are adding value to U.S. grains, contributing about 12 percent of corn and soybean’s value to growers last year…

“And on a per bushel basis, that’s 41 cents per bushel of corn and $1.06 for every bushel of soybeans.”

He said trade relations with key partners like China are stable and a lot of work has been done to remove barriers in several Asian and European countries.    

Joe Schuele Interview

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